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Browse the latest digital releases by Low:r
Similar artists: High Contrast, Jaybee, Leks, Mako, Motiv
Gracies Song / Inta
Gracies Song - (4:17) 172 BPM
Inta - (5:20) 172 BPM Hot
 from $1.89
24 Jan 25
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Galacy Yearmix
Low:R & Galacy - "Galacy Yearmix 2024" - (1:04:38) 174 BPM
Dustkey - "Hard To Leave You" - (5:40) 175 BPM
Hiraeth - "Lost In Music" - (4:14) 174 BPM
Leniz - "Come Through" - (4:57) 174 BPM
Jamezy - "Ur Mine" - (2:38) 58 BPM
Minos - "Heartbeat" - (4:30) 174 BPM
Hiraeth, Bert H & Dustkey - "Prisoners" (Dustkey remix) - (4:47) 174 BPM
Nelver - "Where We Go" - (5:25) 175 BPM
Crash Comet - "Sounds Of Serenity" - (2:50) 172 BPM
Rezilient - "Bellasombra" - (5:02) 174 BPM
Noppo & Bazil Mc - "Can't Hide" - (5:17) 174 BPM
Rezilient - "Be Here" - (4:29) 174 BPM
Nelver & Alpha Rhythm - "Raindrops" - (5:21) 175 BPM
Dustkey & Leniz - "Goldyears" - (5:42) 174 BPM
Telomic, Riya & Voicemc - "Magic Unseen" - (4:26) 174 BPM
Zombie Cats & Redemptive - "Moon Totem" - (4:12) 174 BPM
Low:R & Dustkey - "Betelgeuse" - (5:19) 175 BPM
Hiraeth, Sektor & Subsequent - "Finding You" (Sektor & Subsequent remix) - (3:47) 174 BPM
Melinki & Low:R - "Inta" - (5:20) 172 BPM Hot
SOLR, Kr33per & Kat - "Magenta Sky" - (4:37) 174 BPM
Leniz - "Innerself" - (5:17) 174 BPM
Matt View - "The Love You Give" - (4:09) 175 BPM
Flint & Figure - "Limited View" - (5:43) 172 BPM
ALB - "Lost Without U" - (5:37) 174 BPM
Tom Logic - "Can You" - (4:09) 172 BPM
Surreal - "101" - (4:04) 174 BPM
Pyxis - "Partly Me" - (4:32) 173 BPM
Surreal & Motiv - "Offroad" - (4:54) 174 BPM
Melinki & Low:R - "Gracies Song" - (4:17) 172 BPM
Sili - "Timeless" - (4:09) 174 BPM
Maykors & Red Manta - "Poseidon" - (5:08) 174 BPM
Natus - "Morningstars" - (6:52) 174 BPM
Rezilient - "True Origins" - (4:25) 174 BPM
Noppo & Bazil Mc - "Crossroads" - (4:53) 174 BPM
Sili - "Next To Me" (feat Synga) - (3:04) 172 BPM
Surreal - "Hiatus" - (4:10) 174 BPM
Maykors & Red Manta - "Aesculapius" - (5:37) 174 BPM
Auris & Luke Truth - "You Can Keep On Running" - (4:48) 174 BPM
Malaky & Pyxis - "Nimbus" - (4:32) 174 BPM
Tom Logic - "What You Gonna Do" - (4:53) 172 BPM
Nelver - "Never Be Alone" - (5:37) 58 BPM
Tom Logic - "Too Funky" - (4:05) 174 BPM
Tom Logic - "The Get Down" - (4:06) 172 BPM
 from $1.89
07 Jan 25
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Can You Hear Me
Bubbles - (3:52) 174 BPM
Hit Different (feat Synga) - (4:10) 174 BPM
Rave Rain (feat Tempza) - (4:28) 174 BPM
Roots - (4:05) 174 BPM Hot
Low:R & Surreal - "Mirage" - (4:10) 175 BPM
Low:R & Synga - "Four Leaf Clover" - (3:19) 174 BPM
Low:R & Dustkey - "Betelgeuse" - (5:19) 175 BPM
Low:R & Sam M - "Can You Hear Me" - (4:14) 174 BPM
Rhythm Roulette - (4:08) 174 BPM
Easy To Love - (3:45) 191 BPM
The Genie - (4:25) 174 BPM
Low:R & Be? - "Untouchable" - (3:52) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
01 Mar 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Four Leaf Clover
Four Leaf Clover - (3:19) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
23 Feb 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Betelgeuse - (5:19) 175 BPM
 from $1.89
09 Feb 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Untouchable - (3:52) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
26 Jan 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Bubbles - (3:52) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
12 Jan 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Liquicity Winter 2023
Natty Lou & Gemma Rose - "Tempted" - (5:15) 174 BPM
Dylan Purser - "Bliss" (feat Lauren Walton) - (5:48) 172 BPM
Low:R - "Rave Rain" (feat Tempza) - (4:28) 174 BPM Hot
T, Sugah, Whiney & Maddy - "Running" (Whiney remix) - (3:59) 174 BPM
Maduk, Rachelle Jenkens & Subten - "Running" - (4:14) 174 BPM
Andromedik - "With You" - (3:35) 174 BPM
Noppo - "Closer" - (4:35) 174 BPM
Voicians - "Running" - (3:26) 174 BPM
Random Movement - "Melon Rind" - (4:31) 173 BPM
T, Sugah & NCT - "French Fries" (NCT remix) - (4:11) 174 BPM
Flint, Figure & Flowanastasia - "Fall Together" - (4:28) 174 BPM
Hiraeth - "Rowdy" - (3:24) 174 BPM
Tunnl Vision - "Fooling Myself" - (3:58) 174 BPM
ALB - "Don't Waste Time" - (4:09) 174 BPM
T, Sugah, Voicians & Aktive - "Days Away" (Aktive remix) - (4:29) 174 BPM
Sub:liminal & SOLR - "A Moment In Time" - (4:43) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
22 Dec 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Rave Rain
Rave Rain - (4:28) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
22 Dec 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Low:r & Kit Rice - "Faded" (Pyxis remix) - (4:25) 174 BPM Hot
Good Shepherd - "Now It's Gone" (K2T remix) - (5:13) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
27 Oct 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Galaxy Of Dreams 4
Jon Void - "LFG" - (4:57) 174 BPM
Sili & Veela - "Solve The Puzzle" - (3:41) 174 BPM
Edlan, Dustkey & Ella No?l - "Melting Hearts" - (3:06) 174 BPM
Hazey & Ponz - "Go Under" - (4:40) 174 BPM
Lexurus & Houndeye - "Cold Divide" - (3:57) 174 BPM
Avizura - "What Lies Ahead" - (4:33) 175 BPM
Artino - "What I Want" - (3:44) 174 BPM
Feint & V O E - "The Light" - (3:59) 174 BPM
Polygon & Rhode - "It's Over" - (4:20) 174 BPM
Makoto & Polaris - "Kinetic" - (5:45) 174 BPM
Low:R - "Hit Different" (feat Synga) - (4:10) 174 BPM
Cream Blade & Kosta - "Broken Record" - (3:56) 176 BPM
Rameses B & Elena Maya - "Gravity" - (3:32) 174 BPM
Hayve, Laminar & Skyelle - "Worlds Collide" - (3:40) 174 BPM
Voicians & John Dee - "Feel Alive" - (3:30) 174 BPM
T, Sugah & Amber Jay - "Euphoria" - (4:09) 174 BPM
Keeno - "Ocean" - (4:57) 174 BPM Hot
 from $1.89
29 Sep 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Hit Different
Hit Different - (4:10) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
29 Sep 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Grandma Funk
Grandma Funk - (3:51) 172 BPM
 from $1.89
LIQ 194
30 Jun 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Mayhem - (3:54) 174 BPM
Played by: Kumo
 from $1.89
LIQ 169
18 Jan 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
In The Moment
Low:R & Beo - "Got You Close" - (4:49) 174 BPM
Serendipity - (4:13) 174 BPM
Low:R, Leo Wood & Sixar - "In The Moment" - (5:11) 174 BPM Hot
Mayhem - (3:54) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
16 Dec 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Got You Close
Got You Close - (4:49) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
LIQ 173
05 Dec 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Serendipity - (4:13) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
LIQ 171
25 Nov 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Dark Heart
Dark Heart - (4:38) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
GLCY 064
11 Nov 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Liquid Drum & Bass 4 Autism presents: USA vs UK: A Friendly Exhibition
Low:r - "Mother" - (4:52) 174 BPM
Seathasky - "Fighting For A Change" - (5:59) 174 BPM
SoulTec - "Can You Feel Me?" - (6:37) 175 BPM
Secret Structures - "Falling Forever" - (4:20) 174 BPM
A Sides - "Enough Is Enough" - (4:37) 58 BPM
DJ Stunna - "Come To Me" - (5:56) 174 BPM
Edward Oberon - "Love Will Get Us Through" (feat Chloie) - (4:45) 176 BPM
Dave Owen - "Incredible" - (4:36) 174 BPM
PFM - "Body & Soul" - (6:55) 58 BPM Hot
Anthony Kasper - "Life Ain't Perfect" - (4:45) 170 BPM
Furney - "Intellectual Cowboy" - (5:07) 176 BPM
Scott Allen - "Visionary" - (5:13) 175 BPM
Big Bud - "The End" - (6:38) 176 BPM
Bachelors Of Science - "Light Me Up" - (6:05) 176 BPM
Phil Tangent - "Neverlast" - (4:33) 174 BPM
Alpha Rhythm - "What I Need" - (5:04) 174 BPM
A Sides & MC Fats - "Never Yesterday" - (4:48) 173 BPM
Random Movement & Adrienne Richards - "Can You See The Future?" - (5:33) 172 BPM
Colossus - "Possession" - (6:01) 58 BPM
Flaco - "One More Chance" - (4:49) 174 BPM
DJ Spim - "Love, Peace & Joy" - (5:34) 175 BPM
T.R.A.C. & A Sides - "Retrospect" (USA X UK VIP) - (4:08) 174 BPM
Furney - "De La Soul Saturday" - (4:55) 172 BPM
Impression - "For Every Hour" (feat Teknical - USA X UK VIP) - (4:34) 174 BPM
Natus - "Cadair Idris" - (5:48) 174 BPM
Suiz Eye Doctor & Furney - "Love Makes The Heart Complete" (USA X UK VIP) - (4:46) 59 BPM
Blade - "Silly Game" - (4:46) 176 BPM
Atlantic Connection - "Twilight" - (4:24) 58 BPM
Bailey - "Why?" - (4:22) 172 BPM
DJ Squake - "Illusions" - (4:27) 174 BPM
Furney - "Doctor Laugh Esophagus" - (5:07) 176 BPM
Scott Allen - "Amen Trooper" - (4:47) 174 BPM
Madcap - "Now It's Gone" - (4:09) 173 BPM
Dave Shichman - "A Deeper Knowing" - (4:27) 172 BPM
SoulTec - "Time Moves" - (5:56) 175 BPM
Stereotype - "Always" - (4:48) 173 BPM
Jrumhand - "Longing For You" - (5:31) 174 BPM
Impression - "Love Sound" - (4:11) 174 BPM
Phil Tangent - "Stone Blind" (instrumental mix) - (5:22) 174 BPM
DJ Squake - "Keep It Running" - (5:16) 172 BPM
Teknical - "We Are One" - (5:15) 175 BPM
Buzz Rave & Furney - "Pineapples With Bananas" (USA X UK VIP) - (5:33) 176 BPM
Marble Elephant & Pyxis - "Imperium" - (4:07) 174 BPM
Impression - "Time As Needed" (feat Teknical - USA X UK VIP) - (4:16) 174 BPM
DJ Spim - "Love, Peace & Joy" (Al Pack remix) - (5:30) 175 BPM
Suiz Eye Doctor & Furney - "Remember The Tears" (USA X UK VIP) - (5:21) 173 BPM
Impression - "Whatya Want" (feat Geety - USA X UK VIP) - (4:58) 174 BPM
Buzz Rave & Furney - "How We Can Win" (USA X UK VIP) - (4:46) 176 BPM
Furney & Scott Allen - "West East" (USA X UK VIP) - (5:27) 176 BPM
Alpha Rhythm & Natus - "Exodus" (USA X UK VIP) - (5:31) 174 BPM
Review: Liquid D&B 4 Autism return with another exciting VA to raise money for charities that help those with autism, especially in countries where support isn't accessible or available. The turn-out, as with the previous collection in 2020, is immense with a whole host of talents stepping up with vibes galore ranging over 50 tracks. Highlights include the solemn yearns of Edward Oberon's 'Love Will Get Us Through', Anthony Kasper's warm and stretchy 'Life Ain't Perfect', Bachelors Of Science's 'Light Me Up' and Furney's hazy 'De La Soul Saturday' but that really is just the tip of what this album has to offer. Get involved and support a great cause.
 from $1.89
LDNB4A 003
08 Nov 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Mad World
Mad World - (3:51) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
5063072 779859
30 Sep 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
I Got Your Love
I Got Your Love (Low:R & Blooom) - (4:11) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
06 Jul 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
I'm Sorry
I'm Sorry - (4:55) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
10 Jun 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Beautiful Dreamer EP
Beautiful Dreamer - (4:36) 174 BPM Hot
Low:r & Aleya Mae - "Make The Most" - (4:35) 174 BPM
I Can See - (4:13) 174 BPM
Goon Squad - (4:04) 174 BPM
Review: Dreamers keep on dreaming, Low:rs keep on lowering... Spearhead kickstart May with this stunning collection from one of their most consistent artists Low:r. Four tracks, each one as tasty as the last, flavours range from the stunning somnambulant trembles and flutters of the title track to the much fatter rattles and twists of 'I Can See'. Elsewhere we have the deep dancefloor drama of 'Make The Most' (with Aleya Mae) before 'Goon Squad' ends us on a fittingly funky finale. Vibers keep on vibing.
 from $1.89
06 May 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Make The Most
Make The Most - (4:35) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
08 Apr 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Dance All Night
Dance All Night - (4:30) 174 BPM Hot
Low:R & Aleya Mae - "All Of You" - (4:08) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
28 Jan 22
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Liquicity Winter 2021
Liquicity / Various
Hiraeth, Bert H & Edlan - "Intercept" (Hiraeth remix) - (4:36) 174 BPM
Nelver & Nic ZigZag - "Now That It's True" - (5:41) 175 BPM
Andromedik & Ayah Marar - "Tomorrow" - (3:40) 174 BPM
Telomic - "Pieces" - (4:32) 174 BPM
Kove, T & Sugah - "Be There" (feat Ayah Marar - Kove remix) - (4:33) 174 BPM
Polygon - "All The Way" (feat ROSE) - (4:43) 174 BPM
Nymfo - "Before Dawn" - (4:39) 174 BPM Hot
Low:R - "Beams" (feat Mess Jilla) - (5:00) 174 BPM
Telomic, NCT & Dualistic - "Lost & Found" (Telomic remix) - (5:31) 174 BPM
Matt View - "Come Clean" - (4:53) 175 BPM
Nymfo, Riya & Collette Warren - "Patience" - (5:17) 172 BPM
Rameses B & Veela - "Against The Grain" - (3:58) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
10 Dec 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Beams - (5:00) 174 BPM
Love Hearts - (4:11) 174 BPM
Low:R & Sili - "Just The Start" - (4:54) 174 BPM
Bawlin' Out - (4:58) 174 BPM Hot
Low:R & Sili - "Chubby Bubbler" - (4:30) 174 BPM
Get Movin' (VIP) - (4:33) 174 BPM
Stuck Inside - (4:09) 174 BPM
Oooga - (5:14) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
GLCY 049
04 Nov 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Get Movin' VIP
Get Movin' VIP - (4:33) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
29 Oct 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Soul Deep 10 Year Anniversary, Vol 1
Paul SG - "Skinny Norris" (original mix) - (5:21) 172 BPM
Madcap - "Sunrise In Her Eyes" (original mix) - (5:39) 57 BPM
Blade - "Cosmic Bells" (original mix) - (4:49) 176 BPM
MSdoS - "Eastern Band" (SoulTec 2021 remix) - (5:31) 175 BPM
Low:r - "Strip It Down" (original mix) - (4:03) 174 BPM
Czar - "U Are Number One" (original mix) - (4:46) 174 BPM
Anthony Kasper - "This Moment" (original mix) - (5:27) 172 BPM
Scott Allen - "Awakening" (original mix) - (5:31) 176 BPM Hot
MSdoS - "Benetton" (original mix) - (5:14) 174 BPM
Jrumhand - "Resilience" (original mix) - (5:38) 170 BPM
Soul Connection - "Speak Your Mind" (original mix) - (5:53) 174 BPM
Carter - "Twenty High" (original mix) - (6:47) 57 BPM
Phat Playaz - "Unity" (original mix) - (7:31) 176 BPM
Viewer - "Mornings With You" (original mix) - (6:00) 174 BPM
FX909 - "All Night" (original mix) - (4:57) 172 BPM
 from $1.89
SDE 323
18 Oct 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Light The Way (Original Mix)
Light The Way - (4:52) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
SMR 028
17 Sep 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Liquicity Summer 2021
Edlan - "Us Against The World" - (3:03) 175 BPM
Aperio & Georgia Ward - "Devotion" - (4:57) 174 BPM
Low:R - "Love Hearts" - (4:11) 174 BPM
Dustkey - "Keeping Yourself Warm" - (5:18) 174 BPM Hot
Murdock - "Waterfalls" - (4:29) 175 BPM
Maduk & Amanda Collis - "Fire Away" - (3:43) 176 BPM
Fishy, Nostre & Lottie Woodward - "Radiate" - (5:18) 172 BPM
Lexurus & Roses - "Reminiscence" - (3:35) 174 BPM
Sektor, Subsequent & V O E - "Run From The Sun" - (4:51) 174 BPM
Rameses B - "Escape" - (5:18) 174 BPM
Telomic - "Paro" - (4:12) 174 BPM
Andromedik & Patch Edison - "You & I" - (3:57) 174 BPM
Feint - "Silent Light" - (4:30) 174 BPM
Edlan - "Morning Sun" - (4:32) 174 BPM
Genetics - "Let You Go" - (5:18) 175 BPM
Dennis Pedersen - "Somewhere" - (5:49) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
20 Aug 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Be There
Be There - (4:30) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
20 Aug 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Mindset - (5:55) 174 BPM
Parsley Soda - (4:46) 174 BPM Hot
 from $1.89
4050538 708554
13 Aug 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Asteroids - (4:51) 172 BPM Hot
Nova - (4:55) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
GLCY 044
23 Jul 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Galacy - Formations
Telomic & Emba - "Silver Lining" (feat Leah Rye) - (4:54) 174 BPM
HumaNature - "Memories" - (4:58) 174 BPM
Zombie Cats - "Let Go" - (4:30) 172 BPM
Telomic - "Rewired" - (4:08) 174 BPM Hot
Bert H & Hiraeth - "In The Rain" - (4:50) 174 BPM
Jon Tho & Flowanastasia - "Awakening" - (4:40) 172 BPM
Surreal & Motiv - "Smoke Dreams" - (4:29) 174 BPM
Low:R - "Oooga" - (5:14) 174 BPM
Fishy, Nostre & Lottie Woodward - "Radiate" - (5:18) 172 BPM
Natus - "Be True To Me" - (5:37) 176 BPM
Matt View, Marvel Cinema & Diligent Fingers - "All On Me" - (4:07) 175 BPM
Henry - "Head In The Clouds" - (4:31) 174 BPM
Operator Unknown & Leo Wood - "Are You Still Around" - (5:25) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
16 Apr 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Oooga - (5:14) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
26 Mar 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Chubby Bubbler/Just The Start
Chubby Bubbler - (4:30) 174 BPM Hot
Just The Start - (4:54) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
GLCY 040
05 Mar 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Pixel - (5:14) 58 BPM
Well - (4:32) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
SV 079DD
19 Feb 21
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Soul Music 2020
Natus - "Rhema" - (6:51) 58 BPM
Temam & Sydney Chapman - "Penelopea" (feat Sydney) - (4:31) 174 BPM
Winslow - "Love Letters" - (6:20) 174 BPM
Emba, BCee & Robert Manos - "Hilltops" - (4:58) 172 BPM
Mtek Illa & Jappa - "Clash" - (4:30) 174 BPM
Monika - "Wake Up VIP" - (3:46) 174 BPM
Ruth Royall, Ruckspin & Ruth Ellen Royall - "Porcelain" - (6:40) 174 BPM
In:most - "Replicant" - (4:17) 174 BPM
Screamarts - "Mischievous" - (4:27) 175 BPM
Mistrust - "Broken Mind" - (5:11) 174 BPM
Soul Dimension - "Fallen" - (4:32) 176 BPM
Elere - "Dependent" - (5:01) 172 BPM
The Vanguard Project - "Pumpkin" - (5:36) 174 BPM
Blacklab & Erin Goss - "Losing Touch" - (4:35) 174 BPM
Capturelight - "Chrysalis" - (4:45) 172 BPM
Bladerunner - "Don't Let Me Go" - (4:37) 175 BPM Hot
Circumference - "Midsommar" - (4:54) 172 BPM
Matt View & Nina Eisenhut - "All We Need" (feat Yamoona) - (4:53) 174 BPM
Tolima Jets - "Stone Cold Love" - (5:29) 172 BPM
Low:r - "Suppression" - (5:56) 180 BPM
Mountain - "Back To The Future" - (4:09) 174 BPM
Dunk - "Smoke" - (4:26) 174 BPM
UV & Hijinx - "Salt Rock Dub" - (4:29) 174 BPM
Iklektix - "Deeper" - (5:11) 174 BPM
AC13 & Jay Carmen - "Mayan Skies" (feat King DeepField) - (5:06) 174 BPM
Jakes, Terror & Jermaine Troy Jacob - "Twilight" (Glxy remix) - (4:17) 174 BPM
Hydrant - "Turn Around" - (4:30) 176 BPM
Subdue & Rizzle - "With You" - (5:28) 174 BPM
Leniz - "Can't Get Over You" - (5:35) 174 BPM
Out Of Fuel - "Wide Area" - (5:54) 172 BPM
Unquote - "Need U Now" - (4:19) 170 BPM
 from $1.89
SV 075DD
23 Oct 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Ackroyd & Surface - "Into The Valley" (original mix) - (6:31) 160 BPM
Hiraeth - "Greatest Day" (original mix) - (4:13) 174 BPM
Subdue - "Your Everything" (original mix) - (4:52) 174 BPM Hot
Objectiv - "Bad Karma" (feat Haribo - Manikin remix) - (4:27) 174 BPM
Rift - "Where Did You Go" (original mix) - (4:27) 174 BPM
Retrakt - "Alluded" (original mix) - (4:30) 172 BPM
Low:r - "OK!" (feat Jess Done - original mix) - (5:15) 174 BPM
Qua Rush & Frame - "Memories" (original mix) - (6:08) 172 BPM
Manikin - "Daydream" (feat Sense MC - Telomic remix) - (4:27) 174 BPM
Nelver - "Search Within" (original mix) - (5:21) 175 BPM
Fractale & Ephyum - "Ripper" (original mix) - (4:24) 174 BPM
Monika - "Wunderbar Blues" (original mix) - (4:15) 170 BPM
Medium - "The Path" (original mix) - (5:42) 174 BPM
Lyndon Jarr & Daniel Power - "Upstream Colour" (original mix) - (5:15) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
TFR 001
07 Oct 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
OK! (original mix) - (5:15) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
TFR 001B
27 Sep 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
RAM Drum & Bass Annual 2021
Culture Shock - "Visions" - (4:24) 174 BPM
Calyx & TeeBee - "Big Sound" - (5:09) 172 BPM
Delta Heavy - "Here With Me" (feat Modestep - The Prototypes remix) - (5:06) 174 BPM
DC Breaks - "We Never Slow Down" (feat Eva Lazarus) - (4:12) 175 BPM
Upgrade (UK) - "What It Means" - (4:29) 175 BPM
Junk Mail - "Yellow Jacket" - (4:30) 174 BPM Hot
Skantia - "Power Line" - (4:38) 176 BPM
Nectax - "Vector" - (4:28) 176 BPM
Mob Tactics - "Eject" - (4:47) 174 BPM
Killbox - "Nova" - (4:05) 172 BPM
Smooth - "Funk Town" - (4:35) 174 BPM
Insct & Sound In Noise - "Give It All" - (3:44) 172 BPM
Chords - "Arrhythmia" - (5:42) 174 BPM
Kastro - "Creation Of The Black" (feat Kyst Cortez) - (4:48) 175 BPM
Unxnown - "Booty Call" - (4:06) 58 BPM
OX7GEN - "Kodachrome Sky" - (4:35) 170 BPM
ALB - "Vintage" - (5:57) 174 BPM
Simula - "See It Through My Eyes" - (4:27) 172 BPM
Culture Shock - "There For You" (LSB remix) - (5:53) 174 BPM
SyRan - "Telepathy" - (4:35) 175 BPM
Opposition - "Ultralight" - (4:13) 174 BPM
Mob Tactics - "Pure X" - (4:02) 174 BPM
Jam Thieves - "Dub Version" - (3:02) 174 BPM
Quentin Hiatus - "Mango Ice Cream" - (5:52) 165 BPM
DC Breaks - "Concrete Jungle" (Skantia remix) - (3:46) 174 BPM
ALB & Anastasia - "The One" (feat Anastasia) - (5:34) 174 BPM
LQ - "Divination" - (5:15) 174 BPM
CLIQUES. & Sammie Hall - "There With You" - (4:11) 174 BPM
RV & Wickaman - "Sound Clash" (Levela remix) - (3:08) 174 BPM
Prestige - "One Big Place" - (3:46) 175 BPM
Upgrade (UK) - "Thunder" - (3:42) 175 BPM
DC Breaks - "Pickett Line" (Technimatic remix) - (4:34) 175 BPM
Jabba - "PNGNT" - (4:34) 174 BPM
Killbox - "Epicentre" - (4:16) 174 BPM
Delta Heavy - "Space Time" (VIP) - (4:42) 174 BPM
Dave Owen, DJ Hybrid & NC-17 - "Scrub City" - (4:28) 175 BPM
D-Code & Psylence - "Can't Leave You Alone" (feat Laville - D&B mix) - (5:46) 172 BPM
Subview - "Contact" - (3:57) 174 BPM
Jabba - "Break Dem" - (5:36) 174 BPM
Dose - "Stop To Think" - (4:15) 174 BPM
Nuvertal - "What Else To Say" - (4:30) 174 BPM
Trinist - "Major Shift" - (3:55) 176 BPM
Jam Thieves & Total Recall - "Top Shottaz" - (4:30) 174 BPM
V O E - "If You Want Me" - (4:13) 174 BPM
HeadRead - "Nothing Lasts Forever" - (5:16) 173 BPM
Dr. Apollo - "In Color" (feat Finni) - (4:35) 174 BPM
Tunnl Vision - "Cerberus" - (4:35) 174 BPM
Showdown - "Underground" - (4:02) 174 BPM
Focusfire - "So Strong" - (4:33) 172 BPM
NC-17 - "Phobia Riddim" - (4:31) 174 BPM
D:Sign & Vangeliez - "Marooned" - (4:05) 174 BPM
Prestige - "The Dragon Hears" - (3:44) 58 BPM
Nic ZigZag & Nelver - "Olimpic" - (5:43) 174 BPM
Low:r - "All You Need" (feat Michaela Fedeczko) - (6:01) 174 BPM
Polyrom - "Movement" - (3:28) 175 BPM
Playmax - "Space Odyssey" - (4:56) 175 BPM
Amplify - "Goonz" - (4:28) 175 BPM
SyRan - "North Star" - (4:55) 174 BPM
The Arcturians & Hyukari - "Your Touch" - (4:12) 173 BPM
Psynchro - "Freedom" - (4:22) 172 BPM
 from $1.89
4050538 666335
17 Jul 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Liquid Drum & Bass 4 Autism presents/Redefining The Spectrum
Low:r - "Eyes Closed" (original mix) - (6:22) 174 BPM Hot
Cosmic Sequence & Leniz - "Reminisce" (Leniz VIP) - (5:04) 174 BPM
Stunna - "Through The Distance" (feat Christina Tamayo - original mix) - (7:29) 174 BPM
PRSNA - "Take Me To The Moon" (Makoto Liquid Drum & Bass remix) - (5:20) 174 BPM
Nelver - "Stay With Me" (original mix) - (5:22) 174 BPM
Low5 - "Keep You Next To Me" (original mix) - (5:42) 174 BPM
Furney - "Sunrain Over Me" (original mix) - (5:30) 176 BPM
Phil Tangent - "Scalesia" (original mix) - (6:09) 174 BPM
Peron & Viewer - "Subway Ride To Harlem" (original mix) - (5:53) 174 BPM
Furney & Scott Allen - "Crossroads" (original mix) - (5:30) 176 BPM
Colossus - "Black From Blue" (feat Jess Ratcliffe - original mix) - (6:42) 174 BPM
Random Movement - "Show Me" (feat Adrienne Richards - original mix) - (5:05) 172 BPM
Kontrast - "Daydreaming" (feat Mali Lloyd - original mix) - (5:36) 174 BPM
Scott Allen & AKA - "This Is The Place" (original mix) - (5:38) 176 BPM
Auris - "Nothing To Confess" (feat Dustkey - original mix) - (4:52) 174 BPM
Soul:Motion - "One More Chance" (original mix) - (5:16) 174 BPM
Will Miles - "Hypnotized By You" (original mix) - (5:31) 175 BPM
Changer - "Only To Be" (original mix) - (5:15) 172 BPM
Subsid - "Do The Unexpected" (original mix) - (5:51) 174 BPM
FX909 - "Le Vrei Gentil" (original mix) - (4:07) 174 BPM
Blade - "Joy" (original mix) - (5:28) 176 BPM
Madcap - "Needing You" (original mix) - (4:56) 172 BPM
Greekboy - "Step Into My World" (original mix) - (5:40) 174 BPM
Command Strange - "Origin" (original mix) - (5:11) 174 BPM
Silence Groove - "Enough" (feat Anastasia - original mix) - (6:20) 174 BPM
Furney - "Love Is" (feat Lady Emz - original mix) - (4:20) 176 BPM
Flowrian - "Starling Murmuration" (original mix) - (6:09) 172 BPM
Smote - "Connection" (original mix) - (4:35) 174 BPM
Bert H - "Broken Turntable" (original mix) - (5:04) 174 BPM
Furney - "Watching Rainstorms" (original mix) - (4:51) 176 BPM
MSdoS - "Tyrion" (original mix) - (5:23) 172 BPM
Paul SG - "Tick Tick" (original mix) - (4:57) 174 BPM
Jrumhand - "Joyous" (original mix) - (5:05) 176 BPM
Duoscience - "You Matter" (original mix) - (4:08) 174 BPM
Soul Connection - "Waiting" (original mix) - (5:46) 172 BPM
Furney - "Le Guardo" (feat Lady Emz - Buzz Rave remix) - (5:55) 176 BPM
Blade & SoulStructure & Kyro - "Summer Sumthin'" (original mix) - (5:54) 176 BPM
Embers Of Light - "Need You In My Life" (original mix) - (5:10) 174 BPM
Scott Allen - "These Are The Breaks" (original mix) - (5:40) 172 BPM
Greekboy - "Seventh Heaven" (original mix) - (5:18) 172 BPM
Furney - "Vasquez Blue" (original mix) - (5:16) 176 BPM
Low:r - "Equilateral" (original mix) - (5:42) 174 BPM
Review: This VA is jam-packed with some of the scene's best liquid maestros, and it's of the movement for Liquid Drum & Bass 4 Autism, a group which seeks to raise awareness and money for those who have autism. Low:r, Furney, MsDos and more have gotten themselves involved, and the result is a lovely, serene walk through some of 174's most nonchalant moments. 'Eyes Closed' by Low:r is especially gorgeous, with his trademark organic sound fluttering in the wind of his creativity like usual. Changer is characteristically deep with 'Only To Be', and it's just the iceberg of what is a brilliant album for a brilliant cause.
 from $1.89
LDNB4A 001
31 May 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Room 2
Room 2 - (6:04) 174 BPM Hot
Low:r & Surreal - "Back And Forth" - (5:03) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
SV 039
26 May 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Soul Sessions Vol 3
ALb - "Drifting Away" - (4:56) 174 BPM
Structure - "Slipstream" - (5:44) 174 BPM Hot
Criteria - "Blue Callisto" - (5:42) 174 BPM
In:Most, Changing Faces & Charli Brix - "Soft Spoken" - (5:14) 174 BPM
Mountain - "Funk Bomb" - (4:02) 181 BPM
IMba - "Running" - (5:38) 174 BPM
Monrroe - "Take Me Away" - (5:46) 172 BPM
Low:r - "Freeze" - (4:15) 174 BPM
Aperio - "Life With You" - (4:31) 175 BPM
Blacklab - "Aria" - (4:35) 174 BPM
Koherent - "Changes" - (5:14) 174 BPM
Arch Origin - "Mesmerize" (VIP) - (5:02) 174 BPM
Monika - "Crystal Clear" (feat Princess Slayer) - (4:32) 170 BPM
LQ - "Half Choir" - (4:53) 172 BPM
Phloem - "Sidewinder" - (5:12) 175 BPM
GLXY - "Trinity" - (4:57) 174 BPM
Dualistic & Zazu - "Beauty" - (5:50) 174 BPM
Pola & Bryson - "Stolen Glances" (feat Sammie Bella - Phaction remix) - (6:15) 174 BPM
Strife II - "Old Souls" - (4:52) 57 BPM
Revaux & Azlan - "Sinner" - (5:07) 172 BPM
Pola & Bryson - "A Good Thing" - (5:06) 174 BPM
Arch Origin - "City By The Night" - (5:00) 174 BPM
Bryzone - "Wonderlight" - (4:20) 174 BPM
NCT - "Scars" - (4:50) 175 BPM
Shiny Radio - "Panda's Anthem" - (6:30) 174 BPM
BMotion & Jon Lilygreen - "All My Love" - (4:30) 174 BPM
Retronics - "This Will Come" - (4:58) 172 BPM
GLXY - "Bloo" - (5:03) 174 BPM
Pola & Bryson and Sammie Bella - "Run From You" (Hugh Hardie remix) - (4:32) 173 BPM
In:most - "I Can't Do" - (4:46) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
SV 035
26 May 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Stop & Think
Motiv - "Better Off" (feat Diligent Fingers) - (4:50) 174 BPM
Mystic Trip - "Figure 14" - (4:54) 172 BPM
Reburf - "Breaking" - (5:15) 172 BPM
Robtopus - "Sense Of Time" - (5:20) 174 BPM
Henry, Fullalove & Kerizma MC - "Stop & Think" - (5:19) 175 BPM
Low:R - "Empath" - (4:36) 174 BPM
CULT - "CULT" - (4:24) 174 BPM
Decline - "Crossover" - (4:52) 172 BPM Hot
Played by: Motiv
 from $1.89
CLS 305
30 Mar 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Spearhead Presents: The Soundtrack 2020
BCee - "Sincerely Yours" (Whiney remix - feat Leo Wood) - (4:49) 174 BPM Hot
Jolliffe - "Waiting" - (5:35) 174 BPM
Carlito & Addiction - "Hellas" - (5:38) 176 BPM
Melinki & Demure - "Come With Us" - (5:14) 172 BPM
Need For Mirrors - "Zxana" - (6:40) 174 BPM
Dexcell & In:Most - "Truths Unspoken" (BCee remix - feat Lucy Kitchen) - (6:01) 174 BPM
Villem & McLeod - "Let It Breathe" (Phaction remix - feat Leo Wood) - (5:20) 174 BPM
Tolima Jets - "Need U" - (4:49) 174 BPM
Villem & McLeod - "Perfect Solution" (Black Barrel remix - feat MC Fats) - (5:36) 174 BPM
BCee - "Little Bird" (Monrroe remix) - (5:36) 174 BPM
Walk:R - "Glow" (feat Sydney) - (5:35) 174 BPM
Saikon - "Get Together" - (4:08) 58 BPM
ZeroZero - "All You Have" (feat Patch Edison) - (4:58) 170 BPM
Dexcell - "Speechless" (feat Charli Brix) - (4:56) 174 BPM
Jonny L - "In A Jungle" (BCee remix) - (4:53) 58 BPM
Saikon - "Subway Writers" - (6:04) 174 BPM
Redeyes - "Let You Down" - (4:53) 170 BPM
RoyGreen & Protone - "You Did This" (feat Dual) - (5:11) 174 BPM
Macca & Loz Contreras - "Thinking Of You" - (4:58) 174 BPM
Low:R - "Locked Away" - (5:17) 174 BPM
MC Fava - "Transatlantic" (feat Logistics) - (4:44) 174 BPM
Seba - "Close To You" - (6:37) 175 BPM
The Vanguard Project - "Blacklist" (Bop remix) - (5:04) 174 BPM
Changing Faces - "Fractures" - (4:19) 174 BPM
BCee - "Sight Unseen" - (4:54) 172 BPM
Review: Spearhead are coming out with a huge compilation that seeks to be a statement of intent for 2020, combining a load of new tracks with some of the choicest cuts from the Spearhead back catalogue. There is old school talent like Need For Mirrors, Bcee, Carlito & Addiction & Saikon, as well as recruits from the new school like Whiney, Black Barrel, Monrroe and Walk:r, all of whom have done a wicked job walking the Spearhead stylistic line between hard and soft. Need For Mirrors' 'Zxana' is the ideal example; it's stripped back and minimalist in its percussion but expansive in the low-frequencies, with a hypnotic feeling of movement and a seriously solid piece of sound design. The rest of the LP is typically epic as well, so shout out to the Norwich crew.
 from $1.89
06 Mar 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Fokuz Recap 2019
Rhythm Beater, Emery & Dreazz - "When I Run" - (4:52) 178 BPM
Break - "Coming 4 U" (original mix) - (5:18) 174 BPM Hot
Silence Groove - "Fake Awake" - (6:07) 174 BPM
Smote - "Made By Soul" - (5:09) 174 BPM
Break & Mako - "What A Little Moonlight Can Do" (Break remix) - (4:19) 170 BPM
Total Science - "So Addicted" (feat Grimm) - (5:36) 174 BPM
Tali & State Of Mind - "Love & Migration" (feat Malaky & Georgie Fisher - State Of Mind remix) - (4:12) 174 BPM
Tali, RoyGreen & Protone - "Paper Wasp" (feat DRS - Lenzman remix) - (4:56) 172 BPM
Minos - "Voices In My Mind" - (4:27) 174 BPM
Critical Event, Askel & Monika - "Remedy" (feat Bazil Mc) - (4:06) 174 BPM
FarFlow & Duskee - "The Reason" - (4:56) 172 BPM
Low:R - "Singularity" (feat Carl Petros) - (4:47) 174 BPM
The Vanguard Project - "Flying Away" (Digital Bonus) - (5:29) 172 BPM
Dreazz, Emery & Silence Groove - "Better Place" - (6:30) 174 BPM
Villem & Mcleod - "Gifted Lover" (feat Leo Wood) - (6:01) 174 BPM
Redeyes - "Vibes From The Rhymes" - (4:14) 172 BPM
Tali - "Language" (feat Satl) - (4:52) 174 BPM
Macca & Melinki - "Subsurface" - (5:52) 175 BPM
Melinki & Demure - "Dance Hall Sound" - (5:54) 175 BPM
Air.K & Cephei - "Wish To Fade" (feat Nadine) - (4:54) 172 BPM
Cnof - "Dancing Around" - (5:14) 174 BPM
RoyGreen, Protone & Ben Soundscape - "Don't Lose It" - (5:14) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
06 Jan 20
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Spearhead 100
The Vanguard Project - "Stitches" (feat Jemimah Read - Calibre remix) - (5:34) 173 BPM
Redeyes - "Outlines" - (5:45) 172 BPM
Bungle - "Northern Dub" - (6:42) 173 BPM
Technimatic & LSB - "Sight Lines" - (5:14) 174 BPM
BCee & Philippa Hanna - "Back To The Street" (BCee's re-fix) - (4:59) 174 BPM Hot
Saikon - "Eastern Shimmer" - (4:51) 174 BPM
Jonny L - "Bass Break" (Nu:Tone remix) - (5:09) 180 BPM
Villem - "Reflections" (feat Jevon Ives) - (5:03) 172 BPM
Airshots - "Can't Catch Me" (feat Ben Shemel) - (4:52) 174 BPM
Seba - "My Love" - (6:35) 175 BPM
Anile - "Turn Around" - (4:51) 174 BPM
BCee - "Hand On My Heart" - (4:55) 174 BPM
Riya - "We Belong" (feat Maverick Soul - BCee remix) - (5:27) 170 BPM
Low:r - "Other Side" (feat Anna Pancaldi) - (5:17) 174 BPM
John B - "If U Need Anything" - (5:13) 174 BPM
Utah Jazz - "Handle This" (feat DRS - Pola & Bryson remix) - (5:18) 174 BPM
Dexcell - "Missing Pieces" - (5:15) 174 BPM
Macca & Loz Contreras - "One Love" - (5:16) 174 BPM
LSB - "My Squeeze" - (6:23) 174 BPM
ZeroZero - "Before" (feat LaMeduza) - (4:51) 174 BPM
BCee & Charlotte Haining - "Wanderer" (Black Barrel remix) - (5:58) 174 BPM
Villem & McLeod - "The Sea" (feat Heidi Vogel - BCee remix) - (4:30) 174 BPM
Walk:r - "Wallflower" - (5:42) 174 BPM
The Vanguard Project - "Is This Love" (feat Lucy Kitchen - Dexcell remix) - (4:59) 172 BPM
Review: Spearhead Records - which was started by Bcee in an internet caf? - is hitting its 100th release and celebrating the fact with a huge compilation of brand new tracks, including contributions by Calibre, Technimatic, LSB and Bcee himself. Staying true to the label's origins, it's pretty much all gorgeous rolling liquid and we're very much into it. One of the highlights is the Bcee refix of his seminal 'Back to the Street', which has been given a revamped bassline and a fresh veneer of bassy purpose. It's not just the old on this album, though, and Walk:r lays down the gauntlet with 'Wallflower', a sublimely subtle, pacey piano tune that rolls out in delightful fashion. Wicked stuff here from one of the best in the game.
 from $1.89
07 Jun 19
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Acsension EP
Acsension - (4:05) 174 BPM
Low:R & Hiraeth - "Free Love" - (4:58) 174 BPM Hot
New Hope - (4:58) 174 BPM
Played by: Nelver
 from $1.89
CLS 283
13 May 19
Drum & Bass / Jungle
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