Paradise Goulash (continuous mix 1) - (1:17:24) 100 BPM
Paradise Goulash (continuous mix 2) - (1:16:54) 119 BPM
Paradise Goulash (continuous mix 3) - (1:16:55) 123 BPM
Turns - "Forever More" (part 3) - (5:34) 79 BPM
Brian Bennett Band - "Drum Odyssey" - (5:34) 98 BPM
Aqua Bassino - "Ibiza" - (11:19) 106 BPM
Claude Speeed - "VIN" - (1:30) 79 BPM
Sun Araw - "Ma Holo" - (8:47) 70 BPM
Richard Schneider Jr - "Samba-Trip" - (5:50) 105 BPM
Mistral - "Starship 109" - (3:01) 105 BPM
The Durian Brothers - "Weggeputscht" - (7:12) 90 BPM
Zazou Bikaye, CY1 & CY1 - "Lamuka" - (5:20) 86 BPM
Berliner Ring - "El Amarna" - (8:06) 100 BPM
C Cat Trance - "Dalbouka" - (4:09) 97 BPM
A Split - Second - "Scandinavian Bellydance" - (6:14) 100 BPM
TM404 - "303/303/303/303/606" - (6:54) 129 BPM
RVDS - "Nerds" - (7:09) 110 BPM
Len Leise - "Dance Of The Ghosts" - (5:11) 109 BPM
NSI. - "Nikita" - (6:17) 100 BPM
Wally Badarou - "Voices" - (3:17) 71 BPM
Jan Akkerman - "Tranquilizer" - (4:14) 117 BPM
Bjorn Torske - "Nestor" - (8:12) 103 BPM
Actress - "Xoul Particles" - (7:26) 110 BPM
Son.sine - "Upekah" - (8:57) 120 BPM
Hakimonu - "Cadence 1 / Native A" - (8:04) 115 BPM
Donato Dozzy, Tin Man & Tin Man - "Test 7" - (8:10) 118 BPM
I:Cube - "Falling" - (6:17) 112 BPM
Hieroglyphic Being - "Imaginary Soundscapes 9" - (12:24) 127 BPM
Forever Sound - "Glowworm" - (9:12) 120 BPM
Odd Numbers - "Riviera" - (7:24) 120 BPM
Dreamatic - "I Can Feel It" (Enzo Elia GFR edit) - (4:24) 83 BPM
SW. - "Untitled" - (7:42) 133 BPM
Pev, Kowton & Kowton - "Low Strobe" - (6:25) 81 BPM
Joachim Holm, Alejandro Mosso & Alejandro Mosso - "Tre Melodi" - (12:07) 81 BPM
Robert Hood - "Drive (The Age Of Automation)" - (5:54) 128 BPM
Abdulla Rashim - "Moral Blinds" - (7:06) 125 BPM
Dirty Jesus - "Don't Fuck With My Shit" (RV Cock's Black Cock mix) - (8:50) 119 BPM
Marcos Cabral - "Sweet & Sour" - (5:25) 120 BPM
Box Saga - "Zen & The Art Of Deadlines" - (7:47) 118 BPM
Bjorn Torske - "Nitten Nitti" - (5:00) 120 BPM
Les Big Byrd - "Roundhouse Blues" - (7:43) 137 BPM
U - "The Subdubba Beat" (Stockholmia Glue mix) - (19:43) 118 BPM
Petar Dundov - "Sailing Off The Grid" - (13:20) 117 BPM
Louis Haiman - "Ghosts Of Gratiot" - (6:26) 125 BPM
Evigt Morker - "Hogre" - (8:26)
125 BPM 
Morphosis - "Silent Screamer" - (7:08) 123 BPM
Sebbo - "Watamu Beach" (Moritz Von Oswald rework) - (10:28) 126 BPM
Young Marco - "Biology Theme" - (6:04) 123 BPM
Luke Abbott - "Modern Driveway" - (5:33) 128 BPM
Zadig - "Quiet Orbit Around Gladia" - (10:22) 120 BPM
Marcellus Pittman - "The Mad Underdog" - (8:48) 122 BPM
Stefan Vincent - "Fool Me Again" - (5:43) 130 BPM
Blacknecks - "Don't Dream It Be It" - (5:02) 123 BPM
Siriusmo - "Liu" - (5:20) 110 BPM
Il Guardiano Del Faro - "Ma Ci Pensi, Io E Te" - (3:38) 77 BPM
Johanna Billing - "This Is How We Walk On The Moon" - (5:16) 83 BPM
Krater - "Labyrint" - (4:56) 80 BPM
Kurt Vile - "Baby's Arms" - (3:58) 110 BPM