Kraft Der Sonne - "Mondschein" - (7:52) 127 BPM
Steven Flynn - "The Signal" - (8:57) 123 BPM
MAM (AR) - "Just Remember" - (8:22) 119 BPM
Pepe Rubino - "Drum Flood" - (8:00) 122 BPM
EZEK - "Living The Dream" - (6:34) 123 BPM
Robert Bell - "Love Me Too" - (7:48) 122 BPM
Blade13 - "Pure Fantasy" - (8:00) 120 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Arrival" - (8:00) 124 BPM
Emiliano Ferrareso - "Dharma" - (8:23) 122 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Hoffmans" - (8:03) 123 BPM
George Kasradze - "New Hope" - (6:04) 133 BPM
MEL BELL - "Hey!" - (8:26) 120 BPM
Braynod & Mika MT - "Lost" - (6:56) 124 BPM
Marcos Calegari - "Afrika Dreams" (Javier Ho remix) - (7:02) 120 BPM
Marcos Calegari - "Afrika Dreams" (Neptun 505 remix) - (8:11) 123 BPM
Kraft Der Sonne - "Flug" - (5:59) 127 BPM
Kraft Der Sonne - "Die Stimme" - (4:24) 127 BPM
Andrei Craivan - "Symphosium" - (6:56) 120 BPM
Dan Kashtan - "Lost My Time" - (6:40) 124 BPM
John Moblack - "Soma Waves" - (8:32) 120 BPM
Martinec - "See You" - (6:56) 124 BPM
Geoffroy Laventure - "Elle" - (8:19) 123 BPM
Monuloku - "Popstars On Poster" - (8:48) 120 BPM
Monuloku - "Forgotten Control" - (7:38) 122 BPM
EZEK & Geo S - "Claim Your Love" (feat Sakura Fizz - Zy Khan remix) - (6:17) 122 BPM
EZEK & Geo S - "Claim Your Love" (feat Sakura Fizz - Melodic Arms remix) - (5:13) 128 BPM
EZEK & Geo S - "Claim Your Love" (feat Sakura Fizz - Analog Context remix) - (5:50) 122 BPM
Dylan Deck - "El Gato" (Frilerd remix) - (6:04) 125 BPM
Dylan Deck - "El Gato" (Lateral Cut Groove remix) - (8:42) 123 BPM
MAM (AR) - "Clave" - (6:47) 119 BPM
MAM (AR) - "A?os Luz" - (7:20) 120 BPM
Andrei Craivan & Gar Garden - "Cielo Enladrillado" - (6:40) 120 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Shiver" - (8:19) 123 BPM
Braynod - "Welcome To The Future" - (6:18) 125 BPM
Braynod - "Destination" - (6:30) 124 BPM
Uzun - "Voice In The Distance" (MEL BELL remix) - (7:03) 120 BPM
Emiliano Ferrareso - "Jivas" (Monuloku remix) - (8:00) 121 BPM
Emiliano Ferrareso - "Jivas" (Steven Flynn remix) - (8:03) 123 BPM
Steven Flynn - "The Signal" (Greg De Wijn remix) - (8:19) 126 BPM
Steven Flynn - "The Signal" (Robert Bell remix) - (7:17) 123 BPM
Steven Flynn - "The Signal" (Martinec remix) - (7:04) 123 BPM
Blade13 - "The People" - (8:00) 120 BPM
Ulises Espindola - "Corolla" - (9:36) 122 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Phuturebeat" - (7:37) 126 BPM
Andrei Craivan - "Wallachians" - (6:32) 120 BPM
Lien T - "Bleak" - (6:49) 125 BPM
Eddie Kitsner - "Causeway" - (7:32) 120 BPM
Embox - "Three Owls" - (7:36) 122 BPM
DJ KAAI - "Imagine" - (6:19) 124 BPM
Arch Q - "Gridlock" - (6:29) 124 BPM
Kooku - "Alive" - (7:20) 121 BPM
Kooku - "Drifting" - (6:14) 125 BPM
Uzun - "Memories" (Sergio Vilas remix) - (6:58) 124 BPM
Uzun - "Memories" (EZEK remix) - (7:34) 124 BPM
Joca - "Juniper Meadow" - (6:58) 121 BPM
Jorge Cary - "Animales" - (6:32) 121 BPM
Sergio Vilas - "I'll Be Right There" - (7:40) 123 BPM
Sergio Vilas - "I'll Be Right There" (EANP remix) - (9:37) 123 BPM
Sergio Vilas - "I'll Be Right There" (Tuxedo remix) - (6:46) 124 BPM
Sergio Vilas - "I'll Be Right There" (John Moblack remix) - (7:18) 123 BPM
Nadori - "Awake" - (4:33) 128 BPM
Nadori - "Give Me More" - (4:28) 125 BPM
Nadori - "No Boderline" - (5:53) 125 BPM
Nadori - "Destination" - (6:24) 125 BPM
Ekis Ekis - "Speakeasy Life" - (6:37) 125 BPM
JustJovani - "The End" (Braynod remix) - (7:01) 124 BPM
JustJovani - "The End" (Steven Flynn remix) - (7:09) 123 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Into My Soul" - (8:15) 124 BPM
Jortzik & Guldenpfennig - "Opaque" (Kraft Der Sonne remix) - (7:20) 124 BPM
Disia - "Indecision" - (6:47) 125 BPM
Disia - "Inside I'm Hollowed Out Outside's A Paper Shroud" - (6:16) 125 BPM
MARK TAMMO - "Nexius" - (7:25) 127 BPM
Kraft Der Sonne - "Licht" - (7:02) 127 BPM
Alejandro R - "Alteration" - (7:44) 120 BPM
Math Smith - "Pinnacles" - (5:52) 122 BPM
Batt1es - "Path" - (5:19) 115 BPM
Blade13 - "Go Into Space" - (8:00) 120 BPM
Graham Dunn - "Operating Surplus" - (6:51) 122 BPM
Ekis Ekis & Borja Martin - "Those Dreams" (Or) - (7:15) 126 BPM
Ekis Ekis - "Hora Espejo 1111" - (7:32) 130 BPM
Ekis Ekis & Mel Aramburu - "Ainsihar Souls" - (8:00) 126 BPM
Ekis Ekis & Magthegreat - "Our Way" - (6:47) 124 BPM
Dan Kashtan - "Forget Your Life" - (5:48) 117 BPM
Dan Kashtan - "A Moment Of Healing" - (5:44) 120 BPM
Christian Maestre - "Spiritual Mantra" - (7:17) 124 BPM
Embox - "Three Owls" (Ulises Espindola remix) - (7:17) 123 BPM
Embox - "Three Owls" (Emmanuel Dip remix) - (8:27) 122 BPM
Restless - "Raindrop" - (6:15) 128 BPM
Ulises Espindola - "Synthwave" - (5:44) 124 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Illusion" - (7:48) 123 BPM
Impulse System - "Runner" - (7:20) 125 BPM
DJ Danzik - "Undiscovered Ends" - (7:13) 123 BPM
Marcos Calegari - "Afrika Dreams" (Distorted Memories remix) - (7:17) 124 BPM
Briska - "Octane" - (5:36) 122 BPM
Briska - "Octane" (Martinec remix) - (8:58) 124 BPM
Briska - "Octane" (Jorge Cary remix) - (6:53) 123 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Trip" (Erik Bruce remix) - (9:02) 123 BPM
Steven Flynn - "Trip" (Bother remix) - (6:24) 120 BPM
Daesmith - "Captain Tenkes" - (7:54) 122 BPM
Daesmith - "Daedalus & Icarus" - (6:05) 122 BPM
Daesmith - "Tumi" - (6:40) 121 BPM
Steven Flynn - "The Buddha Lounge" (Akiva remix) - (7:16) 124 BPM
Steven Flynn - "The Buddha Lounge" (Strange Malcolm remix) - (5:43) 118 BPM