Check out Nu Vintage Selecta, our brand new compilation from the Hungarian electro-swing, electro-blues and vintage scene!
09.05. Budapest. Orfeum w/ Josephine Baker Night
22.05. Budapest. Karizma Club w/ Balkan Fanatik
29.05. Timisoara (RO). La Capite w/ Nickodemus (US), Mo'Horizons (DE), A Guy Called Gerald (UK)
30.05. Oradea (RO). Moszkva Kávézó
24-28.06. Balatonakarattya. Everness Fest
19.07. Welcome To The Jungle Of Peace open air (secret location, A)
15.08. Budapest. Sziget Fest. Cökxpon Ambient Tent
+ Every Thursday at Instant (Budapest)
+ Bi-weekly at Szimpla Kert (Budapest)
+ Mana Mana Radio Show every Thursday at Radio Tilos FM 90,3