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Symphonic Distribution


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Symphonic Distribution

Symphonic Distribution

Symphonic is one of the leading independent music and technology companies in the music industry. Headquartered in sunny Tampa, Florida with footprints in major music markets throughout the USA (Brooklyn, Nashville, Miami), as well as internationally (Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Caribbean).

Our team casts a wide net across a multitude of locations, cultures, lifestyles, and musical backgrounds. It’s our differences that make us interesting, and our shared belief in Symphonic’s core values that bind us together. Symphonic proactively utilizes recruiting resources focused on serving the Black community, LatinX community, LGBTQI community, and others to ensure that a diverse group of candidates are aware of open positions at the company.

Transparency, diversity, creativity, innovation, hard work, collaboration, direct feedback, and the independent spirit drive Symphonic’s culture. We place music & people over profits.
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