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Vault Recordings

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Suck It Up
Suck It Up - (5:30) 175 BPM
Zeba - "Malignant" - (4:23) 175 BPM Hot
Review: Pow! Zeba returns with two absolutely disgusting jams right here. 'Suck It Up' is a high energy workout with a bassline that sounds like 6 motorbikes revving in your ears before puked crude oil into them. Currently unstoppable singer/DJ Ekstatic balances out the sickness with a forthright fire. 'Malignant' meanwhile goes even harder with Benny L levels of groan running through the bass textures. Nasty... In all the best ways.
 from $1.89
VR 008
31 Jan 25
Drum & Bass / Jungle
The Rave EP
BTLR & Natty D - "The Rave" - (4:12) 175 BPM
BTLR & Ekstatic - "Mess" - (3:47) 174 BPM Hot
BTLR & Joekr - "Killer" - (3:22) 175 BPM
BTLR - "Pattern" - (3:46) 174 BPM
BTLR - "Intruder Spotted" - (3:01) 175 BPM
BTLR - "Hypocritical" - (3:21) 174 BPM
Review: Posk's Vault is open for business once again! This time he invites BTLR over to host the party and he's brought some amazing guests... Natty D, Ekstatic, Joekr all feature on this hefty six tracker and the results cover the full grot gauntlet. Natty adds a serious swagger to 'The Rave' while Ekstatic brings a little soul to the frog-touched bubbles of 'Mess'. Other highlights include the grunty funk of 'Intruder Spotted' and the twisted finale 'Hypocritical'. The rave is our home and BTLR is our landlord.
 from $1.89
VR 007
29 Nov 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
U Can Get It
U Can Get It - (3:50) 175 BPM
 from $1.89
VR 006
04 Oct 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
The Banshee Project
Banshee (feat Natty D - vocal mix) - (4:35) 173 BPM
Flock Mad (feat Natty D - vocal mix) - (5:16) 176 BPM Hot
Mellotron - (4:32) 173 BPM
Banshee (instrumental mix) - (4:35) 173 BPM
Review: Some combos just work; tea and biscuits, pint and a cig, rudeness and doctor's receptionists and of course Dunk and Natty D. Dunk's grungey grooves, Natty's crisp but throaty poetry; it's a match made in screwface heaven as Dunk dips low and Natty keeps us high. Those looking for a full vocal workout should jump on 'Banshee' while 'Flock Mad' takes us on more of a hypnotic trip. Need a little more aggy punch? Jump on 'Mellotron' and your face will never be the same again. Sheeesh!
 from $1.89
VR 005
16 Aug 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Deadly Sins EP
Agro - "Deadly Sin" (feat StyleOne) - (4:09) 175 BPM
Gimmicks - (3:55) 175 BPM Hot
Agro - "Storm" - (4:03) 174 BPM
Agro - "Ideas Above Your Station" - (4:01) 176 BPM
Agro - "Acton" - (4:04) 175 BPM
Review: We all know the seven deadly sins, right? Thou shall not kill, thou shall not covert thy neighbour's wife, thou shall not waffle on in a Juno Download review when the music is so good we should really be focusing on that and not some cheap gag relating to the title? Good. Well that's the type of devilry Agro is capturing here on this full-strength Vault release. Comprising fellow sinful allies StyleOne, Magenta and Posk along the way, each cut has a bassline that's naughty enough to make a vicar blush (and run off and call the authorities) Highlights include the gluttonous flabby low end of 'Ideas Above Your Station' and the pure greedy funk of 'Gimmicks'. Thou shall not sleep on this.
 from $1.89
VR 004
24 May 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Clarkey & Ekstatic - "OMG" - (4:31) 175 BPM Hot
Clarkey & Posk - "Wanna Dance" - (3:49) 175 BPM
Clarkey & DJ Gaw - "Into The Darkness" - (3:50) 175 BPM
Clarkey - "Unnatural" - (3:52) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
VR 003
19 Apr 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Money Makers
Money Makers (feat Steev) - (3:39) 175 BPM
Played by: Exile
 from $1.89
NS 001
05 Apr 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
1 Year Of Vault Recordings
Posk - "Super Addictive" (Nick The Lot remix) - (4:26) 175 BPM Hot
Cornah - "Loving Me" (4K remix) - (2:59) 175 BPM
Bruxley - "Wine Slow" (Kontakt remix) - (4:32) 176 BPM
Enme & Kori Roze - "Sega" (Posk remix) - (4:08) 174 BPM
GEO - "The Killing Joke" (Bruxley remix) - (3:19) 176 BPM
Tang (UK) - "Feels" (Geo remix) - (4:30) 174 BPM
 from $1.89
VR 002
01 Mar 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Welcome Changes
Welcome Changes - (3:22) 175 BPM
 from $1.89
P&E 001
23 Feb 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Crystal Ball
Crystal Ball - (3:50) 175 BPM
Posk - "Mantis" - (4:05) 175 BPM Hot
 from $1.89
VR 01
26 Jan 24
Drum & Bass / Jungle
Attention - (4:13) 175 BPM
 from $1.89
VR 001
27 Oct 23
Drum & Bass / Jungle
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