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Dynamite EP Remixes

Mystic Fyah - Dynamite EP Remixes
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Mystic Fyah - Dynamite EP Remixes

Mystic Fyah

Dynamite EP Remixes

Dub Communication

Cat: DUBCOM 038D
Genre: Dub
320KB/S MP3
High quality compressed file. The file includes embedded artist/title info & artwork and is suitable for home/iPod/phone use.
Uncompressed lossless file, with large file size (e.g. 70MB per track). The files contain no embedded artist/title info or artwork but playback is universally compatible on all software/hardware.
Compressed lossless file with very efficient file sizing e.g. 40MB per track. The files also include embedded artist/title info & artwork. Playback, metadata and artwork are moderately well supported (but not for iTunes, iPod or Windows Media Player).
Compressed lossless file with efficient sizing e.g. 45MB per track. The files contain artist/title info & artwork, and while not widely supported for playback at present, they are compatible with iTunes/iPod.
Uncompressed lossless file with a large file size (e.g. 70MB per track). The files include embedded artist/title info and artwork in iTunes and some others, with playback universally compatible on all software/hardware.
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As soon as we saw that Dub Communication were launching a remix EP for Mystic Fyah's epic 'Dynamite' project, we jumped for joy, even higher once discovering the involved roster. We kick off in typically mind-boggling style as Frenk Dublin delivers a shimmering rethink of 'Righteous', giving those silky vocals and even spacier feel, coupled with some gorgeous chord work. Next, a much more electronic recreation of 'Travelling' from SmallTownDubz, a creeping, pluck-driven overhaul of 'Nebula' from Skruff and the digital march that is born within dub Troubles' rethink of 'Dropin', all offering a different digital perspective on the original EP. Finally, Stillhead arrives for a second bite at 'Travelling', this time delivering an almost himalayan-sounding overhaul, focussing on heavily reverberated chants and spacey textures for a perfect round off.

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